C O N S U M E and R E P R O D U C E !
The following 12 images are from my ongoing series " Bodenhaltung / Free Range "
They can be downloaded and reproduced as long as they stay whole, unaltered and for NON COMMERCIAL purposes only !
" Religion as a leading institution always means tyranny."
Adonis ( Syrian- Lebanese Poet )
Superstition / Believe -
Where's the difference ?
( Carious Leprous Religious )
"Guy : Huh ? Didn't he die already ?!"
"God is great !"
"But mine is greater !"
( This one works better in German, since "gross" means "great" as well as "bigger" )
Religion. It's giving people hope,
in a world
torn apart by
Jon Stewart ( The Daily Show )
( Just a thought : Isn't anybody who is judging
and killing in the name of god , questioning his work ?
Doesn't that make him a blasphemer ??! )
" They want to cut away our religious freedom !!!"
"Religious FREEDOM ??!"
( " Of course, God is suicidal !
Why else would he have created mankind..." )
This one `s free for non commercial use too !
" Der Mensch hat zwei Beine und zwei Überzeugungen :
eine, wenn's ihm gut geht, und eine, wenn's ihm schlecht geht.
Die letztere heißt Religion."
Kurt Tucholsky
Just read Richard Dawkins' " The God Delusion "( Der Gotteswahn ) - Great Book !!
Made me want to show some of my visual
statements regarding that subject :
" Relax : He's NOT using a condom ! "
This is a donated illustration for the National Labor Federation 's 2013 Calender.
The subject is the exploitation of Prison Labor
from Nancy Buchanan, 1982 !!
Here's an old drawing I did for The Nose Magazin in 1991 :
Other stuff :
Drawings Paintings Lost & Found